- IT Enabled Services
- Call Center Services
- Content Development
- Market Research
- Data Entry
- Data Conversion
- Data Processing
- Transcription Services
- Knowledge Management Services
- Back Office Services
- CRM Services
- Data Transcription Services
- Payroll Processing
- Electronic Publishing
- Account Reconciliation Services
- Document Management Services

Ipark Infotech Ltd Software offers very cost-effective Business Process Outsourcing services.
We have highly talented people available at a very low cost.
We have a unique global delivery model to cater to customers of various industries. We combine people, processes, and technology to ensure real business value to our customers.
We have tailor-made business process services, to provide an innovative and highly scalable models to our customers.
We provide array of BPO services, which include:
The motivating factor to outsource your business process to Ipark Infotech Ltd Software is:
- Highly Secured Environment
- Substantial Cost Cutting
- Economy of Scale
- Competent Manpower