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New York
October 21, 2024

Cloud Computing

Cloud Services

Cloud Strategy and Consulting

We outline a methodology of on-prem, cloud, or mixture model, to guarantee that IT foundation usage is amplified, procedures are virtualized and time to market is quickened.

Guide – With an exceedingly organized way to deal with business necessities, remembering innovation framework, we make a point-by-point guide to convey suitable cloud arrangements.

Evaluation – We play out a point-by-point appraisal with documentation of business and IT drivers to decide on preparation for cloud reception.

Models for relocation – We then decide on resources that are reasonable for cloud movement and recognize apropos cloud administrations.


In the new world, endeavors expect enhanced speed and nature of programming conveyance with steady perceivability amid the improvement cycle alongside lessening operational dangers. There is the requirement for improvement and operations to be crossed over by taking after an incline, coordinated, prescient, and robotized preparation. DevOps is a culture and attitude for teaming up amongst designers and operations – that is bolstered via computerization, apparatuses, and forms.

Ipark Infotech Ltd DevOps arrangement quickens the product conveyance handle by giving a far-reaching Continuous Delivery condition. It uses your current ALM device ventures, utilizes industry best practices, and gives constant dashboards. It offers a self-benefit instrument for Dev – Test provisioning either in the cloud or half and half conditions.

Cloud Native Application Architecture

Stable ventures are being disturbed by organizations with programming at their center that have a speed of advancement, constantly accessible administrations, Web-scale and portable driven client encounters, empowered by cloud-local application models.

Concentrating on dexterity, execution, flexibility, and data security, our cloud-local application planners consolidate the one-of-a-kind parts of cloud stages with the standards of DevOps and Continuous Delivery to guarantee quick improvement, sending, and application administration.

Overseen Cloud Operations guarantee all day, everyday Business Continuity.

We deal with the wellbeing, execution, and security of any picked cloud benefit guaranteeing lessened forthright speculation and unsurprising ongoing IT costs. From setup to the arrangement and with dynamic checking we guarantee that cost and execution are improved. We guarantee business nimbleness by utilizing cloud components and operations computerization, alongside proactive, prescient, and responsive administration confirmation and end-to-end security. This basically implies you decrease introduction to costly errors while guaranteeing adaptability amid business advancement.

Modernize and Migrate Legacy Applications

Legacy applications are basic to the one-of-a-kind needs of numerous associations. Now and again, these applications may not be moved to the open cloud because of administrative consistence. On the off chance that the best choice then is to leave the applications on-premises, Ipark Infotech Ltd’s specialists after assessment will assemble an SOA/web benefit that permits blend and combinations that allow access from new versatile and additionally cloud applications.

For applications that can be modernized, we make a methodology for modernization, for example, “lift-and-move”, finish re-design, or anything in the middle. By setting up a stage astute venture arrange, fortified with industry best practices and organized procedures, the movement will be all around arranged, executed, and upheld.

IOT Solutions

Web of Things means diverse things to various organizations. In any case, the truth of the matter is, that the IoT biological community is currently so divided that it obliges customers to work with different players. We offer a far-reaching arrangement of administrations and resources and by taking after industry driving measures, and making security arrangements from adaptable models, we engage customers to boost profits through computerized advancements.

Item Engineering in Cloud

Our designers and engineers survey innovation change needs, to upgrade client encounters, diminish operational expenses, and target new business openings. Taking after the item designing lifecycle in the cloud, our administrations incorporate counseling, building, and overseeing in a safe domain.

Stages and Tools


Ipark Infotech Ltd helps associations to understand the maximum capacity of the AWS cloud without agonizing over the onboarding procedure. Our AWS Cloud Center of Excellence, cutting overall administration lines, with prepared and guaranteed assets, offers the whole arrangement of AWS administrations. We help customers to move endeavor workloads including centralized computers and undertaking assets wanting to the AWS cloud. With access to the most recent apparatuses and AWS innovation, we empower the move from legacy IT to a current cloud-based stage.

Purplish blue

By utilizing the experience drawn from a few fruitful Azure Infrastructure arrangements, we disentangle the way toward moving and flourishing in the cloud. Our cloud specialists upheld via robotization systems inspected procedures and industry best practices will help you boost the advantages of Microsoft Azure. We manufacture a strong Azure framework, to quickly convey or relocate your foundation to Microsoft Azure with insignificant downtime and hazard.


• Assemble Ant, Maven, Grunt, Gradle, Make, MSBuild, Cmake

• Testing Selenium, Cucumber, Jasmine, Jmeter, Junit

• CI Jenkins, TeamCity, Visual Studio, CodeShip, Bamboo

• Organization CodeDeploy, Otto, SmartFrog, RapidDeploy

• SCM SubVersion, Git, GitHub, BitBucket

• Joint effort TFS, Trello, Jira, Slack

• Discharge Mgmt Docker, Nomad