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October 20, 2024

How Newbies Can Avoid Regular Blogging Mistakes ?

Common blogging mistakes beginners should avoid

As making regular blogging mistakes is not new for newbies. Its time for alarm bell for every newbies. However, some bloggers is making big mistakes when they focus on improving their blog. So its the perfect time for you to know all the mistakes and solve them,

1. Not Focusing In Blog Creation

Really, an important one of regular blogging mistakes for every newbies as they don’t focus in creating a good blog first. In spite of this they try to find a domain name first. Its not a good way, without domain name you can get good traffic also, if you success to write quality articles in blogger blog or free wordpress blog.

Solution : According to me You must start blogging without a domain, if you are making Blogger blog or free wordpress blog. There you should write at least 20-30 posts and then apply for domain. You will get good readers in your posts. So focus in making a good blog first.

2. Being Too Much Dependent on SEO

It has been known to every blogger that SEO has great sign to every blog for growing, but sometimes some new comer bloggers are a lot dependent on SEO. They forget about blog template design, quality article writing etc. They try to ignore them all. As they have created a blog , given domain name and posted 10-12 Posts then they relaxed as there are no problem if SEO with them and they don’t have to maintain their blog.

No, this thinking is totally wrong as SEO is the only thing for some new bloggers when they want more readers and while being found in search engines is really important, it’s not a good to take shortcuts.

Solution : Try to be hard working. Don’t care about being found in search engine. If your blog found still then also work hard to get much better results. Keep one thing in your mind that learning and teaching has no limits.

3. Using Social Networking Too Much

Sometimes when any blogger fail to get readers or comments on their blog posts, then they decide to take help from social networking, it means they share their blog posts too much in all social networking sites as Facebook, Twitter etc. If your blog posts are not unique then it can be harmful for you or your blog can get penalty from Google.

Solution : Sharing blog posts in Social Networking sites is good, but it can be dangerous for you sometime for using social network too much. If your blog has really unique articles so with the help of SEO you can get lot of readers. So try to use social networks little bit and focus more on write unique articles. As according to me thinking great content is enough.

4. Encouraging People to Comment on Your Blog Posts

A great habit for new bloggers who has no experience in blogging. They encourage everyone to comment in their blog posts if their blog posts have not much comments. Its time for them to know that its not the right way to bring lot of comments.

Solution : Only one solution for this is keep focusing on writing great contents, share on Google+ or Facebook. You will get a lot comments which you are expecting depends upon your blog article quality.

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